Offline Reinforcement Learning


Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a promising approach that focuses on training RL algorithms using pre-collected datasets without the need for additional online data collection. This method has significant potential in various real-world applications, including healthcare, education, and robotics. Recent research has shown that off-policy deep RL algorithms trained solely on fixed datasets can outperform fully trained online agents, as demonstrated by the DQN replay dataset experiments on Atari 2600 games. To address challenges in offline RL, such as limited generalization and distributional shift, researchers have developed robust algorithms like Random Ensemble Mixture (REM) that enforce optimal Bellman consistency. While offline RL offers the opportunity to extract high-quality policies from large datasets, there are still open problems and limitations to be addressed, making it an active area of research with the potential to revolutionize decision-making processes across various domains.

Research Papers