Certified Adversarial Defenses Meet Out-of-Distribution Corruptions Benchmarking Robustness and Simple Baselines



Certified robustness guarantee gauges a model’s robustness to test-time attacks and can assess the model’s readiness for deployment in the real world. In this work, we critically examine how the adversarial robustness guarantees from randomized smoothing-based certification methods change when state-of-the-art certifiably robust models encounter out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Our analysis demonstrates a previously unknown vulnerability of these models to low-frequency OOD data such as weather-related corruptions, rendering these models unfit for deployment in the wild. To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel data augmentation scheme, FourierMix, that produces augmentations to improve the spectral coverage of the training data. Furthermore, we propose a new regularizer that encourages consistent predictions on noise perturbations of the augmented data to improve the quality of the smoothed models. We find that FourierMix augmentations help eliminate the spectral bias of certifiably robust models enabling them to achieve significantly better robustness guarantees on a range of OOD benchmarks. Our evaluation also uncovers the inability of current OOD benchmarks at highlighting the spectral biases of the models. To this end, we propose a comprehensive benchmarking suite that contains corruptions from different regions in the spectral domain. Evaluation of models trained with popular augmentation methods on the proposed suite highlights their spectral biases and establishes the superiority of FourierMix trained models at achieving better-certified robustness guarantees under OOD shifts over the entire frequency spectrum.